Ola Lundqvist wrote:
tags - wontfix
tags + moreinfo


On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 03:25:23PM +0100, Frédéric Massot wrote:

Ola Lundqvist wrote:

tags 300250 + wontfix



When I update imp3, the file /var/lib/imp3/servers-debian.conf is erased, the process does not conserve the old parameters.

You can not expect any file to be preserved except for the ones
in /etc.

This file is managed like a file of the repertory "/etc ", it is included by the file "/etc/imp3/servers.php".

Yes. If you want to keep your configuration you should make a copy
of the data to /etc. This is intentional. The file should not be removed
entirelly though.

If you read the /var/lib/imp3/servers-debian.conf file you can find
the follwing lines:

// Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by debconf.
// Instead change config.php so that it requires another file.

Ok, when I write my server configuration in the file "/etc/imp3/servers.php", the file "/var/lib/imp3/servers-debian.conf" is correct, the command "dpkg-reconfigure -plow imp3" leaves the good parameters. :o)

The command "dpkg-reconfigure -plow imp3" removes it without keeping a copy of old, and the authentification with IMAP is broken.

Do it remove the file, or delete its content? or maybe just
reset it to the defaults?

The file was replaced by the default values. Now, with the modifications of the file "/etc/imp3/servers.php" it is not any more the case.

The bug 300250 is solved, but not the bug 300259. I continue on the bug 300259 in another mail.

|              FREDERIC MASSOT               |
|     http://www.juliana-multimedia.com      |
|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

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