On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 07:54:40AM +0100, Milosz Derezynski wrote:
> Please try to catch the bug like this (the backtrace attached to the bug is
> relatively useless; it's not your error with creating the bt, it's just that
> catching exceptions at the right spot is a little more problematic):
> * Remove your current library file, located at
> ~/.local/share/bmpx/library.mlib


> * Run BMPx inside gdb with: 'gdb /usr/libexec/beep-media-player-2-bin',
> inside xterm, or similar


> (Best practice would be to add the albums before you attempt this procedure,
> and start it up again with new items already, to avoid problems that might
> arise during the adding process)

So, if understand you properly, what I need to do is to start bmpx
without debugging, add music to the library, then close bmpx and
restart it in gdb to trigger the exception. All this after removing my
current library file.

This is what i did.

> * Run it within gdb with:
> (gdb) run


> * After it has started up, break it inside gdb with CTRL+C; this will give
> you the gdb prompt back while BMPx is stopped

check. why can't I just setup "catch throw" before i run the program?

> * Run:
> (gdb) catch throw


> * Continue the program using:
> (gdb) cont


> * Then proceed to using "approve all". The backtrace resulting the should be
> actually useful, since the above backtrace doesn't give any indication as to
> what the problem is.

... hum. well, I don't have a crash anymore, either inside or outside
gdb.  :) It is probably due to the new version I have here
(0.36.0~rc1-1). I don't recall having reportbug bug me because there
was a newer version available, so I guess it's safe to assume that a
later upload fixed this bug and I need to thank you, so...

> Thanks :)

No, thank *you*! :)

> Milosz


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