On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 09:43:19AM -0300, Martin Marques wrote:
>Package: cvs
>Version: 1:1.12.13-5
>Severity: normal
>I have CVS configured to work with ssh as an external autentication
>mecanism. I just passed cvs from stable (sarge) to testing and I'm
>getting this error. When I try to update a repository remotly I get this:
>$ cvs -q up
>? SISTEMA.csv
>? javascript/prueba.html
>? javascript/windowCargo.js
>Terminated with fatal signal 10
>I the cvs tree (/var/lib/cvs/planta) I can find lock files related to the
>update I just executed: #cvs.rfl.bugs.16487 but with no proceses with
>id 16487.
>If I downgrade to stable (sarge) cvs works ok, but in testing I get these
>errors constantly.
>The repository in question is not been used by anybdy else. I'm the only
>one accessing it.
>Now, if I try to execute the same line on the local server, but still
>using ssh as the external autentication method, it works ok, even without
>removing the lock files that in the cvs directory.

Hmmm. Signal 10 is SIGBUS, which normally suggests something is badly
wrong. When you say you're using ssh as an authentication method, do
you mean you're using ssh as a transport? Can you use ssh to login
from your client to the server OK otherwise?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I've only once written 'SQL is my bitch' in a comment. But that code 
 is in use on a military site..." -- Simon Booth

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