#include <hallo.h>
* Joerg Schilling [Tue, Dec 12 2006, 10:48:59PM]:
> Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > your problem is caused by a bug in the option parser (GNU getopt_long).
> > > 
> > > The mkisofs version you are using is very old (> 1.5 years). Three months
> > > ago, mkisofs has been converted to use the more mature and older 
> > > (starting 1982)
> > > getargs(). This change fixed your problem and many other conceptional bugs
> > > >from GNU getopt_long. GNU getopt_long is e.g. unable to correctly deal 
> > > >with 
> > > miss-spelled long options in case that the miss-spelling occurs after the 
> > > shortest common part of the option name.
> >
> > Maybe. Or maybe not. The big wrapper added by somebody (most likely you)
> > around getopt action needs to be examined to say that for sure.
> > But what does your "superiour" stuff do with miss-spelled options?
> >
> > $ mkisofs/OBJ/i686-linux-cc/mkisofs 
> > -input-charset-deliberate-mistake-but-with-correct-parameter iso8859-1 -o 
> > /dev/null .
> I was never expecting that you understand CLI basics....

I was never expecting that you understand how user psychology works.

> This is not related to my text above and mkisofs _does_ give an error message.
> The problem I was referring to above will cause that string options will 
> silently get wrong parameters. And BTW: getargs allows you to contol the 
> behavior - GNU getopt_long does not ;-)

Bullshit. Try a random program, eg.

$ ls --color=asdf
ls: invalid argument `asdf' for `--color'
Valid arguments are:
  - `always', `yes', `force'
$ ls --color-opt-does-not-exist=asdf
ls: unrecognized option `--color-opt-does-not-exist=asdf'

Uhm... here it says what is wrong, and what is accepted to as correct
value. In what I said above, your help output told me to use a charset.
Which I have already specified. With a value from the help message that
YOUR PROGRAM recommended. As a naive user, my first and maybe last
though would be: WTF, THIS STUPID APP IS KIDDING ME???

> Just check:
> <         {{"input-charset*", &icharset }, 
> ---
> >         {{"input-charset* ", &icharset }, 

Check what? I gave you a clear example where your parser and your help
output does not behave like a normal user would expect it to do. Hey, of
course, it is my fault, I create bugs simply with my presence. And no,
don't tell me about your how-to-report-bugs page, I won't send all
system headers in order to "make it possible to fix it".

> > And the encoding beeing default on Linux nowadays (UTF-8) is
> > still not in the list. Those who want an isofs generator that cares about
> > the user's setup (eg. detecting the charset encoding and supporting
> > Unicode/UTF-8 input) can use genisoimage from http://www.cdrkit.org/.
> It makes sense to not have a broken feature and to wait for a correct 
> solution.
> It is being worked on decent and correct UTF-8 support for mkisofs. This will
> come soon. The UTF-8 implementation that is used in "cdrkit" has been 
> rejected 
> for mkisofs because of serious bugs and because it's creators did refuse to 
> fix these bugs.

ROTFLMAO. You have been saying this for how many years now? Try fixing
that crap if you have too much spare time instead of spreading more
self-adverts ABUSING OUR BTS.

Männer sind gar nicht so primitiv, wie Frauen meinen - sie sind noch
viel primitiver.
                -- Kim Snolden

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