
I tried using the following script as for class "avma1" ("/etc/pcmcia/avma1"). 

It works to the extend that the ISDN configuration gets done when I insert the 
card after "/etc/init.d/isdnutils start" has been executed on startup.

But it doesn't work when I remove the ISDN card from the PCMCIA slot. Usually 
I then get a message that the hisax driver and the ISDN subsystem have been 
unloaded. But with the script I do not get that message.

When I then try to stop PCMCIA via "/etc/init.d/pcmcia stop" that scripts 
hangs to. Only a kill -9 can stop cardmgr. Even on shutdown the init script 
hangs which makes it impossible to shutdown the laptop normally.

Now I am wondering whether my script has a bug or something in the pcmcia-cs 
package... I also tried without executing "/etc/init.d/isdnutils stop" on the 
"stop" action. But this didn't work either. 

I can also file this as a different bug report if you wish.

Here is the script:

# Teamix: Skript zum Einrichten von ISDN, wenn die ISDN-Karte eingesteckt wird

if [ -r ./shared ] ; then . ./shared ; else . /etc/pcmcia/shared ; fi

case "$ACTION" in

    #/etc/init.d/isdnutils stop
    /etc/init.d/isdnutils start
    exit 1

   /etc/init.d/isdnutils stop
   exit 1


exit 0

Martin Steigerwald                            Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systemadministrator                           Fon:  +49 (0)911 30999-0
team(ix) GmbH                                 Fax:  +49 (0)911 30999-99
Süd-West-Park 35, 90449 Nürnberg, Deutschland

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