On Tuesday 19 December 2006 17:39, Jiří Paleček wrote:
> Open a big image (eg. a photo from 3MPix camera), set zoom to "fit to
> window".
> Then, work with the menus. If you have some top-like program running,
> it would show you gwenview is using 100% CPU for (not so short)
> periods of time.


It sounds like Gwenview is taking a lot of CPU to process the image the 
image to fit the window. Some CPU usage here is unavoidable, and while 
that processing is occurring, the rest of the GUI is going to be 
(unavoidably) slowed and less responsive. What setting do you have 
for "Settings --> Configure Gwenview --> Image View, Smoothing? Try 
changing it to Fast or None. The Best setting, for instance, is very 
high quality, but does indeed take an _enormous_ amount of CPU time and 

So let me know if lowering that setting improves the situation.

Christopher Martin

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