Severity: critical

693  * Convert an ICMP "type" field to a printable string.
694  */
695 char * pr_type(unsigned char t)
696 {
705         static char *ttab2[] = {
706                 "Echo Reply",
707                 "Echo Request",
708                 "Membership Query",
709                 "Membership Report",
710                 "Membership Reduction",
711         };
718         if (t >= 128 && t <= 132)
719         {
720                 return (ttab2[t]);
721         }

Can somebody PLEASE explain the author of the code that C arrays are 0
based and not based at 128? C != Java. Thank you.

To just make it clear for people who can't read C:
when t=128 then ttab2[t] is actually ttab2[128] and that causes a nice
segfault. As such one only needs to send a ICMPv6 Echo Reply/Request or
one of the MLD's and it will crash.

Want to deny somebody from traceroute6's just send those packets.


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