Package: angrydd
Version: 1.0.1-4
Tags: patch

On an other computer, I have seen that breaking a crystal of 16 gems is necessary to get the unixbros unlock. When I break a crystal of 16 gems, I expect to get that unlock, but it doesn't happen. I've seen in the code that a crystal of 25 gems is necessary to get it, but the description still mentions that 16 is enough. This should be fixed either in the description or in the requirement.

Nieuw: Live Mail. Mis het niet en profiteer direct van de voordelen!
diff -ur angrydd-orig/ angrydd-1.0.1/
--- angrydd-orig/	2006-01-12 23:54:28.000000000 +0100
+++ angrydd-1.0.1/	2007-01-12 10:53:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@
 def check_unlock(*players):
     for p in filter(lambda p: not p.is_ai, players):
-        if p.field.max_gemsize >= 25:
+        if p.field.max_gemsize >= 16:
         if p.field.max_chain >= 4:

diff -ur angrydd-orig/ angrydd-1.0.1/
--- angrydd-orig/	2004-09-04 05:51:59.000000000 +0200
+++ angrydd-1.0.1/	2007-01-12 10:57:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
         disp.blit(bg, [0, 240])
         t = font.render(
-            "By breaking a crystal of over 16 gems, you've unlocked two more "
+            "By breaking a crystal of over 25 gems, you've unlocked two more "
             "characters - The Yuniks brothers. Both encourage a very "
             "unique style of attacks. Go check them out.")
         disp.blit(t, t.get_rect(midleft = [20, 300]))

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