
Now that jabber14 1.6.0 is out[1], I would really like to have this in
Debian.  This upstream release boosts this server to complete XMPP
compliance and deals with many past issues.

I have talked with upstream about the licensing.  Currently, the only
non-GPL licensed file is snprintf.c, which is not used on the GNU/Linux
platform.  It is there to be able to support more Unices.  This means
that a DFSG clean tarball can be constructed and used to distribute
1.6.0 under the terms of the GPL.

I see that in over almost two years there has been no activity
surrounding this package (except for some work by Andi).  If you do not
have the time to maintain it or are no longer interested, I would like
to request to adopt this package from you.  I talk with upstream
frequently and also use and administrate the server intensively.

Kind regards,

PS. I Cc-ed you, Andi, because I'm not sure if you've taken interest in
    this package purely out of release management reasons or personal

1: http://jabberd.org/news/

Student @ Eindhoven                         | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Using the Power of Debian GNU/Linux <<< | GnuPG key ID: 0x50064181

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