> Hi,
> We (the Debian Qt/KDE team) are trying to update the bug status of some
> old bugs in the BTS.
> You filed the bug
>  #389750 "krdc doesn't work with x11vnc 0.8.2-1"
> some time ago, you can read the bug report at:
> http://bugs.debian.org/389750
> We are sorry if nobody responded when you filed the bug, KDE has gotten
> more bugs in the past years than the maintainers could handle.
No problem, thanks for your attention.

> We are trying to fix this now, but we need your help. So please respond to
> this mail and tell us if:
> - you are still experiencing this bug (adding in what version)
Yes, I'm still experiencing this bug. Latest version of krdc (4:3.5.5-3) is 
still incompatible with some sort of settings of x11vnc (0.8.2-1). x11vnc 
0.7.1 works perfectly.

> - the bug was already fixed,
I filed the same bug against x11vnc package. There is more information.
Karl J. Runge did a little research and found something about a conflict in 
The corresponding bug report is 

> - or if you have extra information on how reproduce this bug.
I believe the bug only occurs when client activates tight encoding.
Connecting with high quality settings don't show this bug.

Thanks for your valuable work!
Moltes Gràcies!

Pau Tallada.

| Pau Tallada Crespí                            Linux User : #345498 |
| SIP URL : sip:pautallada AT ekiga.net         GPG Key : 0xC2E6DD29 |
| Mail : pau_tallada AT telefonica DOT net                           |

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