The original source contained no copyright or licence information,
a quick prompt upstream generated this reply:

"Joseph J. McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote to
Florent Boudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to clarify the licence.

Jean Christophe Hoelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 21:20 +0100, Florent Boudet wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> This has been years since I haven't coded anything nor received any
> mail related to Uothello, and I have to say that I am happy to learn
> that our code is still used inside gpe-othello !
> You can of course consider that the old code for version 1667 is
> GPL'ed, even if there was no license file distributed along.
> All the code of this version has been written by Jean Christophe
> Hoelt and me.
> Best regards,
> Florent

Copyright holders are therefore:
"Joseph J. McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Florent Boudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jean Christophe Hoelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The licence for the original code and Joseph's modifications is the
GNU General Public Licence, as detailed above.

The description has also been extended:

 Othello is also known as Reversi. gpe-othello is a
 strategic boardgame for the GPE Palmtop Environment
 which involves play against a handheld computer on
 an eight-by-eight square grid with pieces that have
 light and dark faces.
 The player places light-faced pieces so that there is
 at least one straight (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal)
 line between the new piece and another light piece, with
 one or more contiguous dark pieces between them. Pieces
 captured in this manner are turned over and can be used
 in later moves. The winner has the most number of pieces
 showing the appropriate face when the grid is full or when
 the other player has no pieces of their own colour left.


Neil Williams

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