Hi Raphael,
I just read at http://www.us.debian.org/Bugs/Developer.en.html#severities
and took the one that made more sense to me, there the only severity
that talks about "security" is "critical" so I took that. I'm not a
bug vodoo, I was just trying to give a hand marking bugs.

Anyway, it's always good to learn a bit more on every matter, so
thanks for the lesson and accept my appologies for messing up your bug


On 1/19/07, Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
severity 407519 important

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Marc Fargas wrote:
> severity critical
> tags +patch
> thanks
> The current Django versión in Debian has a security hole, so this bug
> should be critical, and the patch recommended by the submitter should be
> applied and brought to etch, I think.

If I understand the bug correctly, the filename of the .po must be
modified to include commands with backticks... in other word, the
malicious intent is easily recognisable.

I expect that in 99,9% of the time, the person starting compile-messages
just copied/installed the .po files where required... and he certainly
would notice that the filename look very strange compared to the other
files !

So I really don't agree with severity critical... which brings to the
point that you shouldn't change the severity without justifying your
statement. "has a security hole" is a bit short without explaining a
likely case of security breach. In particular, when upstream has not
considered the risk serious enough to warrant a point release...

Of course, I'd like to hear opinions from others.

Raphaël Hertzog

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