
thanks to all the previous posters. Unfortunately it does not work for
My config snippet:
        <Location /svn>
                DAV svn
                SVNPath /var/lib/svn
                ForceType text/plain
                SVNAutoversioning on

                Satisfy All
                AuthPAM_Enabled On
                AuthPAM_FallThrough off
                AuthType Basic
                AuthBasicAuthoritative off
                AuthName "Subversion Repository"
                Require group subversion

My modules:
alias.load          authz_user.load  dir.conf          php4.load
auth_basic.load     autoindex.load   dir.load          proxy.conf
auth_pam.load       dav.load         env.load          proxy.load
authn_default.load  dav_fs.conf      info.load         rewrite.load
authn_file.load     dav_fs.load      mime.load         setenvif.load
authz_default.load  dav_svn.conf     negotiation.load  status.load
authz_host.load     dav_svn.load     php4.conf

Could one of the people who say it works please also post their list of
included modules, esp. the auth* ones?

Kind regards,


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