OoO  Pendant le repas  du samedi  10 février  2007, vers  19:12, Micah
Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> Just a word of caution -- roundcube is still very buggy, I've tried the
> latest checkouts over the last few months and although it looks nice, I
> think the upstream developer has been overwhelmed by everyone wanting
> all kinds of things, this has delayed an official stable release
> significantly. Although I think a package of roundcube could be nice, I
> know I would not install it until it has stabilized more, and you might
> be wary of becoming a bug catcher...

You are right, this is still a  beta software. I use it everyday and I
am happy with it despite the bugs (drag and drop sometimes don't work,
attachments may fail).

I  have finished  the packaging  of roundcube.  I will  post a  RFS on
debian-mentors shortly.
Treat end of file conditions in a uniform manner.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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