Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:
You could use something like

LABEL=root /      ext2    defaults    0       1
LABEL=swap none   swap    sw          0       0
LABEL=home /home  ext2    defaults    0       1

in your /etc/fstab, instead of /dev/hda1 or /dev/sda1.

Is your fstab example a real life one, or fictional? in the 1st case,
how did you manage to have the swap labeled??

mkswap -L myswap /dev/sda2

I have suffered my share of problems with trying to keep
2.4 and 2.6 going together smoothly on the same machine
(see )
and came up with nothing better than going single and
moving the appropriate fstab (sda flavoured for 2.6 and hda for 2.4)
in place. BTW, I have never figured how to force the cdrw
not to work in the ide-scsi emulation mode in 2.6; even with the
ide-cd driver preloaded by /etc/modules and an option

 options ide-scsi ignore=hdd

added to the modules.conf (via update-modutils), the scsi
emulation still grabs hdd (somehow pulled in by the sata_sil?)

This is obsolete. Try something like

        cdrecord /dev/cdrom my.iso

for writing CDs, regardless whether it is SCSI or IDE.

Sorry for the late response. Somehow your EMail got marked as read in my Inbox.



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