Hi Jamie,

On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 04:26:27PM -0500, Jamie ffolliott wrote:
> I just updated in debian testing today, on a system using pam-ldap for
> authentication, and now I've got new issues that broke authentiation for
> this server.  It seems debian has saved certain configurations and
> overwritten one or both of these settings:
> 1) /etc/libnss-ldap.conf : rootbinddn

I've confirmed that this does happen on an etch upgrade, however...

> None of what you are doing is apparent on an apt-get update/upgrade.  There
> was no prompt whatsoever that you were about to break access to my system.
> Even most packages I've used in the last 7-8 years on debian do not
> overwrite critical settings on an upgrade unless they warn me it's
> happening.

This claim is untrue.  The first few lines of /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
state that "the configuration of this file will be done by debconf as
long as the first line of this file says '###DEBCONF###' You should
use dpkg-reconfigure libnss-ldap to configure this file" Obviously you
had already opened the file in order to edit it, so you must have seen
the note.

I won't claim that this is the best or only way this file could be
handled, but it certainly isn't broken, per se.  Therefore, I don't
think there's anything that has to be changed before we can release


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