tags + wontfix

> It might be a good idea to auto-checkout debian/changelog from My
> Favorite RCS System -- if it is either read-only, or just plain doesn't
> exist.
> for:   this file needs to exist:  execute this command:
> RCS    debian/RCS/changelog,v     co -l debian/changelog
> CVS    debian/CVS/Entries         cvs get debian/changelog
> SCCS   debian/SCCS/s.changelog    get -e debian/changelog

I don't think this is a widely-needed feature and also I think this
request is a bit anachronistic nowadays.

Most packages which are maintained using a VCS (version control system)
are nowadays maintainer using Subversion or another of the VCS supported
on alioth or similar hosting services. Using those systems usually the
working copy has a copy of debian/changelog; I've never seen in such
setting the lack of debian/changelog and hence the need of checking it
out in some VCS-specific way.

Could you please argument why you need such a feature?
Otherwise I'm probably closing this bug in a bit.


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
[EMAIL PROTECTED],debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?    /\    All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema    \/    right keys at the right time

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