Ana Guerrero a écrit :
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 11:33:22AM +0100, Adrien Clerc wrote:
Hi !
Is there any news or any hopes to see this package in Debian ?

Yes, it is in the TODO. It has not be done yet because it'll have stuck
amarok in NEW for some random time that can be weeks or even months :-/
I also want to add a -dbg package with the debugging symbols, at the
same time.

Currently my plan is: one libmtp and libkarma are in the archive, upload
amarok with support to devices that needs those libraries. After this,
upload a new package that includes the helix engine and the -dbg

Ok thanks for the good news :) I'm glad to see that Amarok package is maintained by someone who reads whishlists :)
I'll wait till these packages are ready.
Have a nice day !

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