"Salve J Nilsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>> "Salve J. Nilsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>When creating a bunch of packages that depend on eachother, using
>>>dh-make-perl with apt-file installed, each of the packages install
>>>the following file:
>>>   /usr/lib/perl/5.8/perllocal.pod
>> This *can't* happen if you use the ExtUtils::MakeMaker from the
>> perl-modules Debian package. The installation of the .perllocal.pod (and
>> also .packlist) file isn't done for perl or vendor installation.
>> Do you have your own Perl installed on top of the Debian one?
> No, I'm using perl-modules 5.8.4-8 on sarge... Perhaps 
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker has chaged there recently?

No, i have the sources for perl 5.8.4-8 here (and can't reproduce your
problem). Please send me the output of this:

grep -nA 14 "doc_perl_install ::" `perl -le 
'for(@INC){$f="$_/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm";-f $f && print $f}'`

$_=')(hBCdzVnS})3..0}_$;//::niam/s~=)]3[))_$(rellac(=_$({pam(esrever })e$.)4/3*
)e$(htgnel+23(rhc,"u"(kcapnu ,""nioj ;|_- |/+9-0z-aZ-A|rt~=e$;_$=e${pam tnirp{y
V2ajFGabus} yV2ajFGa&{gwmclBHIbus}gwmclBHI&{yVGa09mbbus}yVGa09mb&{hBCdzVnSbus';
s/\n//g;s/bus/\nbus/g;eval scalar reverse   # <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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