OK, I've built and connected to the Second Life server using the
latest FirstLook linden slviewer release (

The opensl viewer from openmetaverse.org claimed to be too old to
connect to the server, so for the moment I'll be packaging the
linden version.

Source package will be slviewer, and there'll be an slviewer-artwork
source package as well, since it's a seperate upstream tarball.

Binary packages will be slviewer and slviewer-artwork, the former
depending on the latter. I _suspect_ that if opensl is also packaged,
it'll be able to use the slviewer-artwork, but haven't looked too
closely yet.

Obviously, if someone wants to step up and package opensl, that's great.
If there is such interest, then an entry in the alternatives system
would make sense to me, although that entry'd want to be slviewer, which
means my binary would need a different name. -_- I invite comment upon
this thought. ^_^

However, it runs like a rather lazy and ill-healthed canine on my
laptop (PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz w/r300) so I can't really test it beyond
lagging around the starter island. I should have access to a faster
machine during the week, so I'll try and get some packages put together,
tested, and uploaded somewhere for testing/sponsorship by next weekend.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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