On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 12:31 +0100, A Mennucc wrote:
> this morning I was notified by the update-notifier icon that there
> were upgrades needed; so I decided to give it a try, and I clicked it,
> it asked the root password, and then started update-manager , that in
> turn proposed to upgrade "ntpdate" ; I clicked OK; so a new window
> came out that showed progress in the installation; when I looked into the
> "details" (that AFAICT is a terminal showing what dpkg is doing) I
> noted the line "Uknown interface: gtk"
> maybe update-manager , or synaptic , is missing some dependency ?
> (btw: I have libgnome2-perl installed )
> I started another upgrade (after a apt-get update) so I could peek into
> dpkg env (using 'ps xwwwwe'), and I saw this:

It looks like Ubuntu has it's own version of apt-listchanges, this
includes a gtk fronted not found in Debian's version.

Sven Arvidsson
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