On 3/28/07, Andrew Donnellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/28/07, Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, it actually seems rather strange to me for an organization which
> > is designed to "protect" artists disallowing artists from determining
> > how their own works are licensed, so I'm trying to give them the
> > benifit of the doubt here.
> Do they really? That would mean that all the copyright holders would
> have given them exclusive licensing rights.

Yes that's the contract you have to sign to be part of Teosto (which you have
to do if you ever want to make a living in Finland as a musician).

> I haven't read the full bug log, but has anyone contacted the
> composers directly?

Yes, we have. They are part of the upstream team and their contract forbids
them from releasing _anything_ which is not under a licence Teosto agree with.

Matthew Johnson

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