On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 02:06:10PM +0200, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gtk-vim-syntax".

Sorry for not seeing the initial ITP, but I object the package name. Can
you please rename it to "vim-syntax-gtk"? Even though we (Debian Vim
maintainers) haven't yet formally proposed a naming convention for Vim
based packages I would like to in the near future, and I would like to
have all vim related packages to start with "vim-" and syntax extensions
to start with "vim-sintax-".

Other questions on this package (sorry, but I'm busy these days and I
haven't yet had the time to look at it):
- is it worth to have it? how much is the size of the resulting .deb?
  have you considered shipping it as a patch for vim-scripts? (I'm not
  claiming it would be better that way, just that it would be better
  *if* the resulting package is small enough)
- have you looked at the best-practices for packaging vim-scripts, in
  particular at providing vim-registry entries (I know, this is not yet
  documented as a "Vim packaging policy" or such and it's my fault, but
  please have a look at what vim-scripts and vim-latex-suite does and
  provide similar registry entries)
- can you please request to be added to the pkg-vim project on alioth
  and check in your package to the corresponding repository so that your
  package is available where other vim related packages are?

That said I'm willing to sponsor your package, but please have a look at
my comments above and act accordingly where needed.

Thanks for your packaging work!

Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
[EMAIL PROTECTED],debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?    /\    All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema    \/    right keys at the right time

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