On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 06:58:55PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Sunday 01 April 2007 18:16, Davide Viti wrote:
> > TITLE_PADDING is 8 and is currently computed counting the following
> > chars:
> >
> > 6  - "┌┤ [!]"
> > 2  - "├┐"
> No, actually it is (look at the comment):
> 1  - "┤"
> 6  - " [!!] "
> 1  - "├"
> (IIRC "[!!]" is used for error dialogs.)
> The comment does not mention the space before "[!!]", but otherwise I get 
> only 7, not 8. It is also inconsistent as it does not account for the 
> trailing space after the title, so the current issue could be just that 
> and the correct count should be:
> 7  - "┤ [!!] "
> 2  - " ├"
> That would be consistent with your comment that the window is created 2 
> wider than t_width_title.

I actually meant 2 wider than the width you specify when calling
> However, that could possibly still be one character too few as the 
> truncation now happens with "[!]", so "[!!]" could result in truncation. 
> What I don't understand about your examples is why the the right border 
> is "├─┐". It seems to me that that may be one character too many, though 
> the extra character could be "compensation" for the "!" that is missing 
> because this is not an error dialog.

right, changing the value of TITLE_PADDING I would expect something like this:

┌┤ [!] Alegerea unui aranjament de tastatură ├┐

> Could you do a test with a normal and an error dialog and TITLE_PADDING of 
> 9?

┌┤ [!] Alegerea unui aranjament de tastatură ├─┐

still "unbalanced" on the right (your idea about the compensation of "!" might 
explain it)


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