On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 19:44 -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> windows users expect the "task manager" to be in the right-click menu on
> the "task bar".  in order to ease their transition and provide quick
> access to a useful tool thats used relatively often, it would be nice to 
> have access to gnome-system-monitor in the gnome-panel right-click menu.


These requests should really be filed upstream. 

Anyway, I don't really see the logic in finding gnome-system-monitor in
the context menu of the panel. As you can see yourself, it doesn't
include any application launchers at the moment. Besides, the panel is
usually covered by applets.

I'm not sure why former windows users should need access to this app so
often, it's more of a tool for power users anyway. If easy access is
needed, some of the same functionality is available as applets, and it's
easy to add a shortcut.

Sven Arvidsson
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