Florian> I'm not sure.  I don't think the requests are sent
Florian> automatically.

Florian> Anyway, you probably should run ngrep "^(GET|POST)" for some
Florian> time and keep the results.  This could help you to pinpoint the
Florian> exact request, and then we can look at the source to find the
Florian> cause.

It was the RSS reader, disguised as a "Live Bookmark" under the Bookmarks
Toolbar.  I am quite sure I haven't added it myself :-), so it must have
been there in the initial installation.  I have no idea why ICMP pings
or DNS queries would be prerequisite for RSS, but there it is: the logs
stopped after I deleted the bookmark.

It would probably be a good idea to ask via debconf if that bookmark
should be kept, when iceweasel is initially installed.  If that is done,
I'm OK with closing this bug :-)

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