On 4 Apr 2005, at 01:43, Junichi Uekawa wrote:

pbuilder messes with package builds. I set DEBEMAIL in pbuilderrc to my
d.o email address as I do in my environment. However ``dpkg-genchanges
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'' gets called to generate the .changes file for my
architecture. However this forces my email address into the maintainer
field in the changes file, so the upload appears as a non-maintainer
upload (NMU) to katie.
Yes, as documented in the manual page.
What behavior do you need and why would you need it?

Normally I think of DEBEMAIL as of a variable for all the Debian tools which use it when they need my email address, like for GPG keys or reportbug.
But here it replaces the content of the maintainer field which clearly comes from ``debian/control''. Like this I am forced to deactivate DEBEMAIL, otherwise pbuilder would not generate valid uploads for the Debian archive.

However, I had not yet a chance to look it up in the manual page.

Philipp Kern
Debian Developer

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