On 4/18/07, Bernhard R. Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070418 15:34]:
> In .ratpoisonrc, I have all bindings in the top map except two start
> with s-. So, the Windows key is my super key, and almost any command
> to ratpoison starts with a key combination that includes that key.

Could you give the output of xmodmap? That would make it easier to
figure out what happens.

I assume that the version of ratpoison that I am using should make no
difference, but just in case, I confirmed that by using the newwm
command to switch to the new version and back to check that the output
was the same.

The output is attached.



Attachment: xmodmap-output
Description: Binary data

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