On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 10:18:47PM +0200, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
> Davide Viti ha scritto:
> <snip/>
> >As suggested by Attilio, I then got the output of "dfbinfo" (attached
> >to this message) which I hope will help identifying the root of the
> >problem.
> <snip/>
> >(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'keyboard'
> >(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'ps2mouse'
> >(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 6306)...
> I see we're using linux_input input module to handle mouse and keyboard, 
> which is default for i386 and usually works well.
> To be sure linux_input is not broken on Intel Macs, could you pleas try 
> to boot textual, then remove from /etc/directfb the two lines disabling 
>  "keyboard" and "ps2mouse" modules and instead disable "linux_input" 
> module only ?

it worked (so the problem must be "linux_input"), and here's the output:

~ # debian-installer
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.25 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2006-12-04 07:06)
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using linux kernel memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'VT Switcher' (CRITICAL, 5285)...
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'linux_input'
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'PS/2 Input' (INPUT, 5286)...
 (!!!)  *** UNIMPLEMENTED [fusion_reactor_set_lock] *** 
(*) DirectFB/Input: IMPS/2 Mouse 1.0 (Convergence GmbH)
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Keyboard Input' (INPUT, 5287)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Generic Software Rasterizer 0.6 (convergence integrated 
media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.2 (Convergence GmbH)
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Panning display failed!
    --> Invalid argument
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'EventBufferFeed' (MESSAGING, 5288)...
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:56: Clearlooks configuration option 
"menuitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:57: Clearlooks configuration option 
"listviewitemstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:58: Clearlooks configuration option 
"progressbarstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.

(debconf:5280): Gdk-DirectFB-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_keep_above() not 

(debconf:5280): Gdk-DirectFB-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_keep_below() not 

(*) DirectFB/Input: Reloading keymap for 'Keyboard' [0x00]...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Reloaded keymap for 'Keyboard' [0x00]

(debconf:5280): Gdk-DirectFB-WARNING **: 
gdk_display_request_selection_notification Unimplemented function


resolution for the seems wrong but that's another problem


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