Holger Levsen a écrit :
Hey Nicolas,

On Tuesday 08 May 2007 21:57, you wrote:
Thanks for the ping. (Just got back from LGM2 where I had a talk on open

Hehe :) I hope you had fun!

Yep, it was amazing.
The next step is the BoF on open fonts @debconf.

The updated Andika Debian packaging with the new design review
(including sources) is now available on

The package is now named ttf-sil-andika-desrev to better reflect the
design review status, of course it is still very useful at this stage
but we wanted to make that clearer. (When the more complete Andika is
released when can do a rename).

Hmmm. This means, they will need to go through NEW twice :-/ Wouldn't it be better (and have the same effect) to note that in the versionnumber and package description?

Or did you already thought about that and came to the above decission?

Actually yes, there was some thinking involved. But it happened after the IPT. This is what upstream designers would prefer to reflect the naming given to tarballs for other platforms.

No worries about the NEW delay.

How long do you expect will it take until the font becomes "final"/ready?

The designers are still gathering feedback. It's a long process. It will take months.

They will adjust the design as needed and draw all the other glyphs that are needed to complete the full set and make Andika a truly global font like Doulos SIL and Charis SIL.

The next stages are
- Andika Basic
- Andika Regular
- Andika Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic

But it's already very useful as such. No real need to wait for the final version. OTOH if you have specific needs and wishes, now is a great time to give feedback.

Your sponsorship much appreciated :-)

Ok, waiting for your reply on the above and then I'll go :)

Excellent. Thanks :)



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