Hi Sean,

On Monday 21 May 2007 23:38, sean finney wrote:
> my suggestion would be to either (a) go entirely outside the pkg
> management system and install php in /usr/local, or (b) build php
> binaries from the source package, with the offending patches removed.
> if you like, i'm all for shipping a debian/rules that has some kind of
> test for "keep abi compatibility" mode, which would disable such
> patches... as long as someone else is willing to do the footwork and
> supply an initial patch.

if I remember correct, there needs 1 patch to be remove and 2 adjusted. How 
would you prefer to modify the patches? I think its the best to create 
another patch, which removes the LFS relevant parts of the previous applied 
ones, which is applied when the "compatibility" flag is set.

With kidn regards, Jan.
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