
Greg Kochanski wrote:
> Well, try http://kochanski.org/gpk/papers/2006/200607google-annotated.pdf
> which was produced just recently from
> http://kochanski.org/gpk/papers/2006/200607google-annotated.odp .
> That has text boxes, and the PDF gives exactly no text:
> $ pdftotext 200607google-annotated.pdf
> $

Wrong. If you expect the text on stdout why are you calling pdftotext
not with the right option? See the manpage:

       Pdftotext  reads  the PDF file, PDF-file, and writes a text file, text-
       file.  If text-file is not specified, pdftotext  converts file.pdf  to
       file.txt.  If text-file is ?-?, the text is sent to stdout.

It works fine with your PDF:

$ pdftotext 200607google-annotated.pdf
$ head -n 1 200607google-annotated.txt
This talk was given at Google Pittsburgh Labs, July, 2006. It is based
primarily on http://kochanski.org/gpk/papers/2005/04pnp.pdf, by G.
Kochanski, E. Grabe, J. Coleman and B. Rosner,
http://scitation.aip.org/jasa/ 118(2), August 2005, pages 1038-1054.
$ pdftotext 200607google-annotated.pdf - | head -n 1
This talk was given at Google Pittsburgh Labs, July, 2006. It is based
primarily on http://kochanski.org/gpk/papers/2005/04pnp.pdf, by G.
Kochanski, E. Grabe, J. Coleman and B. Rosner,
http://scitation.aip.org/jasa/ 118(2), August 2005, pages 1038-1054.

> Possibly you used a geometric figure, rather than a JPEG image
> as I did?

Yes, but that doesn't matter, see above.


 .''`.  Ren? Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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