
specter upload is now completed with Your patch included, and bug is
marked as done, but afer consultation with upstream, new patch has been
released. We believe that it soloves problem with compilation on gcc-4
*and* gcc-2.95. 
I would be glad if You could take a look, and tell me if
this really works and aprove it ;).
(I currently don't have gcc-4 on my machines)

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 Grzegorz Bizon

[ : :' :  GG: 830398         //   JID: verdan(at)chrome.pl ]
[ `. `'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]      //            GPG: 0xDF32F531 ]
[   `-  1A6F A0A1 01D1 3033 332A  60FE 4C7B 8037 DF32 F531 ]

Attachment: specter-1.4-pre1-gcc4-build.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpitK5RsCrQi.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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