Package: samba
Version: 3.0.25a-1

The Samba server is called "fyunch", my account (same on Windows and Linux)
is "schupp", my password is also the same.
I have a simple [homes] section in smb.conf and my home directory in
Linux is "/home/schupp".

From Windows XP SP2 I can see my home share:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\schupp>net view \\fyunch

Freigegebene Ressourcen auf \\fyunch

fyunch server (Samba 3.0.25a)

Freigabename  Typ      Verwendet als  Kommentar


pdf           Drucker                 PDF Printer

psc           Drucker                 HP PSC 1100  (Normal Grayscale)

schupp        Platte                  Home Directories

However, when I try to connect \\fyunch\schupp:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\schupp>net use \\fyunch\schupp

Systemfehler 3 aufgetreten.

Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

(The error translates to "Windows cannot find the path")

With log level = 10 I can see that authentification has succeeded, a SMB session
has been started but then

[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 5] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(273)
 change_to_user uid=(10895,10895) gid=(0,29999)
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 4] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_ChDir(665)
 vfs_ChDir to /home/schupp
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2qfilepathinfo(3252)
 call_trans2qfilepathinfo: TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO: level = 1004
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(147)
 unix_convert called on file "fyunch/schupp"
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/statcache.c:stat_cache_lookup(215)
 stat_cache_lookup: lookup failed for name [FYUNCH/SCHUPP]
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/statcache.c:stat_cache_lookup(215)
 stat_cache_lookup: lookup failed for name [FYUNCH]
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(246)
 unix_convert begin: name = fyunch/schupp, dirpath = , start = fyunch/schupp
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:is_mangled(276)
 is_mangled fyunch/schupp ?
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:is_mangled_component(215)
 is_mangled_component fyunch/schupp (len 6) ?
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:is_mangled_component(215)
 is_mangled_component schupp (len 6) ?
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:is_mangled(276)
 is_mangled fyunch ?
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:is_mangled_component(215)
 is_mangled_component fyunch (len 6) ?
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(384)
 Intermediate not found fyunch
[2007/05/27 16:27:34, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet_set(106)
 error packet at smbd/trans2.c(3273) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2)

ie. smbd has chdir'ed to /home/schupp, but then Windows asks for  FYUNCH/SCHUPP
which isn't there. This configuartion has worked for ages, esp. with
samba 3.0.24
(but was already broken in 3.0.25-1). I've attached my smb.conf.

Cheers, Roderich

Attachment: smb.conf
Description: Binary data

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