> I might be able to provide a tcpdump, but I don't understand why a tcpdump is 
> really needed, because the reason why samba denys the login is quite obvious. 
Well, I may have overread Jeremy's request in the bug report but this
is what he felt was needed.

However, as you point later, this may have been another issue, indeed.

So, the tcpdump is probably no longer needed.

> But after reading the man page a bit, I found this:
> First with version 3.0.24:
> # pdbedit -P "maximum password age"
> account policy "maximum password age" description: Maximum password age, in 
> seconds (default: -1 => never expire passwords)
> account policy "maximum password age" value is: 356
> The password expire time is 356 seconds? But on 3.0.24 and before my user has 
> a expire time of 30 years and I never had any problems with this. So upstream 
> seems to have a none working password expire validation check for e very long 
> time. My debian sid box with samba is running for at least 4 years!

Weird. On mine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>  pdbedit -P "maximum password age"
account policy "maximum password age" description: Maximum password age, in 
seconds (default: -1 => never expire passwords)
account policy "maximum password age" value is: 4294967295

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