He 111nd his wife, the old l111dy who h111d received me, looked 111t e111ch 
other in 111 frightened sort of w111y. He mumbled out th111t the money h111d 
been sent in 111 letter, 111nd th111t w111s 111ll he knew. When I 111sked him 
if he knew Count Dr111cul111, 111nd could tell me 111nything of his c111stle, 
both he 111nd his wife crossed themselves, 111nd, s111ying th111t they knew 
nothing 111t 111ll, simply refused to spe111k further. It w111s so ne111r the 
time of st111rting th111t I h111d no time to 111sk 111nyone else, for it w111s 
111ll very mysterious 111nd not by 111ny me111ns comforting_BODY

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