Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> On 6/5/07, Kurt Pfeifle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Package: cupsys
>> Version: 1.2.11-2
>> I'm reporting on behalf of
>> a customer who called me today because important functions on his test
>> printserver [running on Sid] broke after upgrading to CUPS 1.2.11-2;
>> He can not use that system any more for now, until he pays money to some-
>> one to fix everything (if that is at all possible; otherwise to migrate
>> it to a non-Debian distro).
> I was gonna answer point by point to your very detailed wishlist,
> except 

Oh, I'm so sorry to have rubbed your skin the wrong way and to have made
you giving up on that noble intention!

> that I have serious issues with your report on one specific
> aspect:
> Your customer is running Testing on a production server that he needs
> to depend upon for everyday work. 

No, you didn't read (or exactly memorize) what I wrote. I said it was his
*test* print server. Please check.

> As far as cretinism goes, this one
> wins the jackpot.

As far as "shooting quickly, but not precisely" and rudeness goes, this
one surely does not take the last place.

> There are two possible solutions to the above bug report's main issues:
> 1) Your customer must acquire the brains 

Please stop calling anyone any names in a public, archived Debian forum.

> to realize that the only
> sensible release to run on production servers is Stable and he should
> therefore immediately downgrade to Etch.

Please realize a few things:

 * it is his decision what he runs on his test printserver system(s)
 * it is his decision even if he'd run Sid on his production printserver
 * it is totally legal and valid to report bugs and submit wishlist items
   against a Sid/unstable system irrespective of the fact whether these
   were acquired on a "production" system
 * you should be grateful to receive bug reports for Sid packages at all,
   wether they originate from user test or from user production systems
 * whatever Your Majesty may deem "sensible" for everyone, please do try
   to understand that *sometimes* "Stable" packages just do not have the
   features that someone needs in production, and that some people may have
   a strong need to run "Unstable" test systems so that their production
   systems running "Testing" or "Stable" can be early forwarned about
   upcoming problems
 * some people run "Testing" and "Unstable" *now* on their test and
   "pilot" systems because they have a long term plan to migrate hundreds
   of servers and 10s of thousands of workstations to Linux, away from a
   proprietary system (and by the time of the migration they hope to use
   a "Stable" or "Testing" version)
 * you can debate with me in private mail when and when not it is appro-
   priate to run Stable and/or Unstable; but this public thread started
   with a bug report/feature request that describes a real problem; that
   problem will make itself felt in Stable as soon as package makes the
   transition; therefor it is completely irrelevant if the current feed-
   back was won from a production or from a testing system.

Is that comprehensible?

> 2) As he nonetheless chose to run Testing, he is invited to fix his
> software to match our changes and help us streamline the transition to
> non-root user operation, 

It is very revealing that you do not see this bug report as an occasion
to streamline your changes, Your Honor.

> by reporting on actual bugs, rather than on
> features which we deliberately chose to close uptream's patently
> broken security model.

I didn't see you participate in any of the detailed discussions that
took place on the upstream mailing lists about that particular topic;
not once on many occasions over the last 2-3 years when they happened;
therefore I do not deem you competent in uttering a verdict about
upstream having a "patently broken security model".

>> Moreover, while you introduced these changes (amounting to a de-facto
>> fork from upstream IMHO), you did not sufficiently document these. In
>> fact, the CUPS documentation you ship is still suggesting to the user
>> that his cupsd runs as root.
> The Debian changelog makes it abundantly clear that we're aware that
> this is gonna break some things and that Lenny's development cycle
> exists to iron things out.


Please document it also in the *user* documentation, that every user looks
at first: http://localhost:631/help/. This part of CUPS can be patched as
well, ya know?  Please do not tolerate that this documentation contradicts
what behavior your source code patches along with your compile time changes
do change for the user.

Can you now say something to my requested changes, puh-leeze? Even if it
is "WONTFIX"?!

Kurt Pfeifle
System & Network Printing Consultant ---- Linux/Unix/Windows/Samba/CUPS
Infotec Deutschland GmbH  .....................  Hedelfinger Strasse 58
A RICOH Company  ...........................  D-70327 Stuttgart/Germany 
Infotec Deutschland GmbH
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Telefon +49 711 4017-0, Fax +49 711 4017-5752
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Elmar Karl Josef Wanderer, Frank Grosch, Heinz-Josef Jansen
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart, Handelsregister HRB Stuttgart 20398

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