
I have a bunch of files now:

 The script I called (as root) who calls rsync. I redirected its stdout and
stderr to a file (below).

 The output on the terminal (I got even with "&>" after the above script).
This was the first time I got it. Might be very useful.

 The whole output of the script (stderr + stdout).

 The contents of my /proc/mounts.

 The output of dmesg command.

I have no knowledge to take a deep look over the code, but I guess it is
libc6 from unstable fault. I have some pinned packages from unstable, that
the reportbug tool didn't show.

If you need anything please ask.

On 6/5/07, Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue 05 Jun 2007, Fabio Pugliese Ornellas wrote:
> I am not sure if it is my libc6 from unstable, but rsync segfaults in a
> simple local usage.
> I have an USB HDD mounted at /mnt and try (from inside /mnt):

What type of filesystems are involved?

> # rsync -rlKHpEAogDtS --delete --exclude-from=./morpheus_exclude -h
--progress / ./morpheus

Why not use -aKHEAS, that's equivalent and a lot less readable...

> building file list ...
> 347444 files to consider
> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (8 bytes received so far) [sender]
> rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(454)
> [sender=2.6.9]
> dmesg shows me:
> rsync[3218]: segfault at 0000000000000028 rip 0000000000424294 rsp
> 00007fff56950600 error 4
> The content of the exclude file is simple absolute paths.

I hope you also exclude /mnt :-)  It would help to have as much info as

> Even -v gives no better output.

Did you try multiple -v options?

Paul Slootman

Fabio Pugliese Ornellas
ICQ: 6516089
WWW: http://ornellas.apanela.com/

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