On Wednesday 06 June 2007 09:32, Joost van Baal wrote:
> It would be useful if the arpalert package description got extended with
> a small comparison with the arpwatch package.  (See also
> http://people.debian.org/~walters/descriptions.html for some rationale.)
> I believe adding a line like:
>  If you won't use a list of authorized MAC addresses, the arpwatch
>  package might suit your needs better.
> would do it.

Hi Joost,

I would it turn around, like "If you need to use a list of authorized MAC 
addresses, this package should suit your needs, otherwise arpwatch may be 
also fine."
Anyways ... arpwatch should also have small comparison with the arpalert 
package included. :)

With kind regards, Jan.
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