> > It is now ready. You theoretically need to Version-depend on 
> > "debconf >=1.4.69" but unless you intend to preserve backportability
> > on sarge, this is not needed.
> I see. Then the developer's reference needs updating.
> What exactly is the advantage of using error instead of note? I don't
> think that the message is a real error.

It is displayed whatever the priority settings of the user are.

The interface will also handle it differently (for instance, the
dialog interface uses a redish background) and, therefore, it brings a
better attention from the user.

There are running ideas to remove the support for notes in debconf, as
this lead to numerous misuses and abuse. The "error" type was defined
as a way to avoid using note in the (legitimate) purpose of displaying
some warning|message to users when somethign wrong happened of if they
did not enter appropriate answers to a debconf question.

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