Hi Thijs,

On Monday 18 June 2007 16:05, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> > Moodle is not affected by this bug. Moodle's usage of the PHPMailer
> > functions is safe wrt to this bug.
> That's good news, which means there's no need for security advisories.
> However...
> > No upload needed to fix this.
> here I do not agree. The vulnerable code is still present, and I think it's
> unwise to be shipping code that's known to be vulnerable. The problem might
> resurface when someone (upstream, downstream) changes Moodle, or when
> someone takes the code to use it in a different project.
> The fix is trivial. Please apply it (or better: make sure upstream applies
> it), or remove the code altogether.

how is this related to ipplan? :-)

With kind regards, Jan.

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