
On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 09:16:57AM -0600, Neale Pickett wrote:
> If that's the case, couldn't you do soemthing like (my perl is old and
> rusty so apologies for the pseudo-perl):
> while (@ARGV) {
>   if (/^-([a-z])=(.*)$/) {
>     # do a big switch on $1, setting variables to $2
>   }
> }
> and avoid the use of modules altogether?

It's a little bit like reinventing the wheel, but in general it should
be possible since CGI.pm doesn't modify @ARGV.

So it also shouldn't interfere with blosxoms other commandline options
using param(). But I haven't tested that yet.

Another possibility to fix this would be the following:

Instead of

  for $rcfile ("/etc/blosxom/blosxom.conf", "/etc/blosxom.conf", param("-f")) {


  my $conffile;
  $conffile = param('-f') unless $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE};
  for $rcfile ("/etc/blosxom/blosxom.conf", "/etc/blosxom.conf", 

So -f only gets used outside a webserver.

Drawback: Only works if the server sets that environement variable.
According to the specification[1] it must do that ("The following
environment variables [...] are set for all requests"), but I'm not
sure if really every HTTP daemon with claimed CGI support does that.

  [1] http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/env.html

More CGI necessary environement variables could be added, but the more
you add, the more could be set on the command line manually so that
the -f feature doesn't work anymore on the command line either.

                Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://noone.org/abe/

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