lör 2007-06-23 klockan 01:10 +0200 skrev Sven Arvidsson:
> Can you try running g-p-m in debug mode and see if you get any warnings?
>         gnome-power-manager --no-daemon --debug
> You will probably need to kill the running process first, you could also
> try --verbose for extra debugging info.
> You can use dbus to access the backlight controls, 
>         dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.PowerManager
>         --type=method_call --print-reply
>         --reply-timeout=2000 /org/gnome/PowerManager/Backlight
>         org.gnome.PowerManager.Backlight.SetMode string:off
> You could also try "standby", and "suspend" instead of "off".

There are no debug messages even with --debug. "off" works just fine.
"standby" and "suspend" make the screen go blank, which is what I
suppose they should do.

I've noticed something else: contrary to what I wrote in my original
report, the screen is actually turned off by g-p-m, but there is a delay
of a few minutes where the screen is blanked but on. This confused me. I
still think it's kind of weird, but it's not a problem to me since it
eventually turns off anyway.
Vincent Lönngren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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