tags 428392 + confirmed pending

On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 11:08:40AM +0100, Tony Hoyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Postfix.  It runs as its own unprivileged user (I'm surprised that
> sendmail doesn't do this also).

What user is Postfix running as when it attempts to connect to the
socket, BTW? I'd like to update README.Debian with explicit instructions
on how to add the correct user to the group.

> You could probably just set the sgid bit on the parent directory... then 
> there's just the actual permissions on the socket to change (is it 
> obeying umask by any chance??).

It does obey umask, and I have a patch in hand that will setgid() the
binary to the run-as user's primary GID, which obviates the need for
a setgid bit on the directory.

Mike Markley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're out of your mind."
"That's between me and my mind."
- Simon Tam and Jubal Early, Firefly: "Objects in Space"

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