On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 03:43:14PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> This is one of the things that was discussed at the Policy BoF at DebConf,
> and Manoj and I would both like to start adding it.  In the future, we'll
> be doing so in a new format that allows rationale to be tagged separately
> and marked as informative rather than normative.  But it's very valuable
> to have rationale so that years later we can figure out why we changed
> something.  (See the difficulties in figuring out just why Policy requires
> -D_REENTRANT, for example.)

Good point. I tried to make that BoF, but was a bit busy running around
madly :|

New patch attached.

< twb> I don't see why anyone would want to "cyber" with a 16yo.  IME none of
        them can spell, and they probably haven't had the relevant experience to
        write convincing prose.  It's not like their ASCII is going to be any 
        supple for them being sixteen.
--- /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/policy.sgml	2006-10-11 08:44:02.684306000 +0100
+++ ./policy.sgml	2007-06-26 17:12:56.325983530 +0100
@@ -2105,6 +2105,18 @@
 	  the file to the list in <file>debian/files</file>.</p>
+    <sect id="embeddedfiles">
+      <heading>Embedding code provided in other packages</heading>
+      <p>
+      Should the upstream source ship with a convenience copy of an external
+      library, the Debian package should not embed or include this code.
+      Instead, the package should be modified to reference the required
+      files in the library package provided by Debian, and a Depends and/or
+      Build-Depends relationship declared as required.
+      Preferably, the convenience copy should not be compiled in the
+      build-process. 
+      </p>
+      </sect>

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