severity 423880 normal

Michael Biebl wrote:
> René Peters wrote:
>> Hm, maybe you are right with your kernel presumption. It is quite possible. 
>> Perhaps it is a bug in kded's media manager.
>> I did some more tests and found out that hal is not the absolute reason for 
>> this problem.
>> After stopping kded's media manager and hald, restarting hald 
>> with "hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes" i got the messages:
> Hi René,
> would it be possible for you, to test the current hal version from unstable
> (0.5.9-3) and see if you can still trigger the problem?
> If so, it will probably be a problem in hald-addon-storage, so you could try 
> to
> attach a debugger to the running hald-addon-storage instance, to see what's
> going on. You can easily attach to a running process with gdb's --pid option.

Have you had time to investigate this issue further? Do you still have the
problem with the current version from unstable?
If you still have problem, you can disable hal from polling your cd-drive with

hal-disable-polling --disable /dev/scd0

and restarting hal.

Given this workaround, I'm downgrading the severity to normal. It's also still
uncertain, that HAL is the actual culprit and not the kernel or the firmware of
your drive.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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