retitle 168065 [TO CLOSE 20050413] passwd -e does not force passwd change
tags 168065 moreinfo

> Maybe Original Poster faced situation when user would
> just _not be prompted to change_ his/her password at
> [next] login?
> I personally never saw such a situation (login always
> insisted to change password).

Well, maybe. I think this bug can be safely closed unless we have some
more detailed information about it.

PS : for people who may be suprised to ee the speed of bug closing in
shadow at this moment --> this is not hiding problems. This is just
giving them a chance to resurface in better conditions. For all these
vague old bug reports we have, we nearly always fails to get enough
information because, often, the problem has been forgotten even by the
bug submitter (if we can still reach him/her).

So, I prefer closing these bugs and have them coming back to life is
someone encounters them again. There, we will be in position to get
precise information.

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