On 2007-07-05 10:01:27 -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Thanks for the bug report.  I haven't had a chance to investigate
> it yet, but I will do so as soon as I can.  If this is something
> that is blocking your progress on something important, please let
> me know so that I can try to give it a higher priority.

A second (and last) release candidate of MPFR 2.3.0 is planned for the
end of the month. If we can have a fix before this release candidate,
this would really be useful.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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