Package: perlmagick

This bug was reported as well on CPAN:


Problem: Image::Magick methods seem to terminate the program
instead of returning an error string (which they should, according
to the doc). The exception is not catchable by normal Perl means
either, which makes any workaround difficult.

See this example code (my machine: Debian testing, fairly recent):

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat blub
| #!/usr/bin/perl
| use Image::Magick;
| print "Image::Magick version is: ", $Image::Magick::VERSION, "\n";
| my $im = new Image::Magick;
| $im->Read('foo.jpg'); # foo.jpg exists and is readable, in case it matters
| eval {
|  my $err = $im->Annotate('mumbo', 'jumbo'); # Any wrong parameters
|  print "Had an error: $err\n" if $err;
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ./blub
|Image::Magick version is: 6.0.6
|Exception 410: unrecognized option `mumbo' at ./blub line 7.

The test script (blub) dies on line 7 and doesn't reach the next print
statement. The eval{} around it doesn't catch the exception either.

-- tomas

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