Brice Goglin wrote:
Unfortunately, compiz is not part of Gnome, so I don't think we can
expect it to look as well integrated in Gnome stuff as Metacity or so.
You might want to look at compiz-fusion anyway, since this is where
actual development is done now, and I  don't expect many improvement in
the plain compiz in the near future regarding these problems.

I didn't see any Debian packages for that, but I'll try it when they appear...

By the way, why do you use multiple workspaces instead of a single one
with multiple faces of the cube? Is there any interest in using compiz
without the cube effect?

Yeah, me.  :-)

The cube effect is cool and gimmicky based on the videos I've seen (I haven't been able to get it to work at all myself), but doesn't look to be as clean and direct as the workspace switcher, and doesn't show you at a glance what your window layout across your workspaces (whether they're separate or not) looks like.

So from a strict usability standpoint, the workspace switcher looks like a better way to go, in my opinion.

Kevin Brown                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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